NEW*** Electric Vehicle and Plug-In Hybrid Surcharge

Published:Aug 28 2023 10:00 AM
Category:Tax Collector Announcements

On June 6, 2023, Governor Sununu signed HB2 into law with an effective date of July 1, 2023. HB2 establishes a surcharge on annual registration for electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to offset the loss of road toll revenues derived from transportation fuel taxation. The new regulation requires municipal agents to collect fees, as follows:

Battery electric vehicles, as defined in RSA 236:132, I, shall be assessed a surcharge of $100.

Plug-in hybrid vehicles, as defined in RSA 236:132, V, shall be assessed a surcharge of $50.

What does this mean to you?

Starting September 1, 2023, vehicle types listed above will be assessed the additional charge at time of registration (prorated by number of months):

  •  New vehicles
  • Renewal of vehicles listed above
  • Registration transfers


Are there vehicles exempt from this process:

  • Only Local, County, and State registered vehicles


RSA 261:141-c

  1. Battery electric vehicles, as defined in RSA 236:132, I, shall be assessed a surcharge of $100 on annual registration, and plug-in hybrid vehicles, as defined in RSA 236:132, V shall be assessed a surcharged of $50, to be deposited in the highway fund. The department of safety, division of motor vehicles shall determine necessary procedures for determining vehicles subject to this surcharge.
  2. The division of motor vehicles and the department of transportation shall report annually on or before January 1 of each year to the New Hampshire transportation council, speaker, president, and chairs of house and senate transportation committees on the surcharge revenue.

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City of Manchester Health Department
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(603) 624-6466



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